0161 488 1822

Gate Safety
Gate safety is a priority and we proud to say Controlled Vehicle Access are qualified Gatesafe installers.

Gate Safe is a registered charity, founded specifically to improve the standard of safety for the installation and maintenance of automated gates and barriers in a variety of applications, including housing developments, schools, commercial premises and of course, residential settings.
The charity, established in 2010, actively promotes awareness of the protocol required to deliver a safe automated gate or barrier, delivers IOSH approved Gate Safe training, and runs the Gate Safe Register of Approved Gate Safe installers.
Force testing for Automatic Gates & Barriers
Our annual maintenance contracts include an annual force test to measure the pressures on electric gate systems at various points of entrapment.

Safety Reports
and video
sent direct to you within 48 Hours

Additional Gate Safety Devices
We can install a variety of gate safety devices to assist in making your automated gate compliant and therefore meeting the criteria advised by hse.gov.uk
Amazing new product
Puts a force field within 4 inches of any part of the moving gate. The ultimate gate safety device.
Amazing new product
Can be installed to any existing metal sliding gate, and incorporated with a lead edge safety sensor to cover the final 4 inches on closing.

The Health & Safety
Executive Support
“The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) supports the work which Gate Safe began in 2010 to improve the safety of automated and manual gates and barriers in the UK. We commend the Charity’s commitment to providing clear, practical and easy to understand information on what constitutes a safe and legally compliant gate.” Philip White, Head of Operational Strategy, HSE
Gate Safety and HSE Legislation
Anyone involved in the installation of a powered gate (whether it is a swing or sliding gate, a rising arm barrier, a bi folding or telescopic sliding gate) must ensure it complies with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
In order to achieve compliance the gate should have undergone a full risk assessment. The complex British Standards are used as a means to identify the various potential risks posed by an automated gate.
A fully automatic gate should feature a minimum of two different types of safety device. Gate Safe advises that photocells / light curtains and pressure edges should be installed on every gate or barrier and would never support the idea that force limitation is an acceptable form of safety when not relying on safety edges
In addition to using the British Standards to guide the risk assessment process, Gate Safe provides further additional general recommendations to encourage a holistic approach to best practice in relation to the installation of gates.
This includes guidance on the requirements to ensure the overall mechanical strength / stability of the installation.